CIDE annotated composition
Description: Prevayler is an open-source in-memory database to be embedded in Java appli- cations. It was not developed as software product line, but researchers have identified variability and used it frequently as case study for compositional ap- proaches. The CIDE version of Prevayler was annotated by Virgilio Borges de Oliveira as part of a research project.
Generator: CIDE
Authors: Klaus Wuestefeld et al., Virgilio Borges de Oliveira
Language: Java
Development tool: CIDE
Number of Features: 5
Lines of code*: 80000
Number of classes: 141
Number of products:
Website: http://www.prevayler.org/
Upload date: 2012-08-12
Last updated: 2012-08-12
Download: Prevayler.zip