Description: Case study from CIDE (http://fosd.de/cide). The AHEAD Tool Suite has been bootstrapped and is implemented in a feature- oriented way. Its build scripts and documentation – on which we focused in this case study – were subsequently decomposed into feature modules by Trujillo et al. We annotated the original (not decomposed) build scripts and documentation equivalently to Trujillo’s decomposition. Our main focus was to evaluate disciplined annotations for noncode artifacts
Generator: CIDE
Authors: Batory, Trujillo, Kästner
Language: ANT (XML), HTML
Development tool: CIDE
Number of Features: 14
Lines of code*:
Number of classes:
Number of products:
Website: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/schwartz/
Upload date: 2012-08-12
Last updated: 2012-08-12
Download: AHEAD_Tool_Suite.zip