A small product line of banking software
Description: Each product of this product line is a software to manage a bank account, but products differ in the individual features they provide. Feature BankAccount provides a rudimentary bank account storing the current balance. Feature Overdraft indicates whether the bank allows their customers to withdraw more money from the account than actually available, if the resulting negative balance is within an overdraft limit. Feature Interest states whether the customer gets interests, and feature InterestEstimation provides a calculation of the expected interest for the current year. Feature CreditWorthiness allows the bank to assess whether a customer may get a credit of a certain amount. Finally, feature DailyLimit allows the bank to limit the daily withdrawal. All features can be combined arbitrarily except that feature InterestEstimation requires feature Interest. The product line is developed from scratch and annotated with specifications in JML. See the following GPCE paper for more information: Thüm et al. - Family-Based Deductive Verification of Software Product Lines.
Generator: FeatureHouse
Authors: Thomas Thüm
Institution: University of Magdeburg
Language: Java, JML
Development tool: FeatureIDE
Number of Features: 6
Lines of code*:
Number of classes: 2
Number of products: 24
Website: http://wwwiti.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/iti_db/publikationen/ps/auto/ThScAp+:GPCE12.pdf
Upload date: 2012-07-09
Last updated: 2012-07-10
Download: BankAccount.zip